Community microgrid hosting capacity assessment in distribution systems: implications for the grid operation

Today there is a growing number of projects involving the integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in distribution networks, both in medium and low voltage. If this integration is not properly carried out, some system operating constraints may be impacted, such as: thermal and voltage limits, energy losses, assets chargeability, power quality and selectivity of the protection system [1]. To avoid unwanted situations of network operation due to the penetration of DERs, it is necessary to evaluate the hosting capacity (HC) of the power distribution system. Hosting Capacity as applied to DERs is defined as the number of facilities that can be connected to an electrical network, without exceeding operating limits and without requiring system upgrades [2]. Current and future electrical infrastructure can be assessed based on the resource capacity needed to meet the demand.

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Error en código de colores RETIE para sistemas solares fotovoltaicos

El Reglamento Técnico de Instalaciones Eléctricas – RETIE, como documento oficial que establece los requisitos mínimos técnicos para garantizar la conformidad y seguridad eléctrica de la vida y las instalaciones, es de obligatorio cumplimiento en Colombia, tiene en su contenido, algunos detalles que, al no estar actualizados o no ser totalmente contemporáneos con el avance tecnológico y normativa internacional, puede fallar en uno de sus objetivos legítimos “La prevención de prácticas que puedan inducir al error al usuario”, en donde se destacan temas como el de los sistemas solares fotovoltaicos.

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